PowerTec was honoured to host the University of Adelaide and their local project partners Sarah Constructions and SAGE Automation for the Factory Acceptance Test of the new tri-generator #gridconnection and #batteryenergystorage system. And it looks like it passed with (almost ?) no open points.
The system will allow for a network-compliant and efficiency-optimised (emissions-minimised) #grid integration of a Tri-Generator (#electricity, heating and cooling) at a University of Adelaide building.
The generator integrates through a rectifier–inverter setup with a DC-coupled #battery .
A customised PowerTec PowerCache® system comprises the grid connection, #inverter, #rectifier, and battery systems and is dynamically controlled by a PaDECS® #microgrid #control system. PowerCache’s settable fault current and power control dynamics ensure grid compliance and operational #resilience, while the battery provides optimal generator loading and operating reserve. Secondary applications include demand reduction, export limiting, network voltage support and #energy arbitrage at the wholesale #energymarket.
Local partners of the university deliver the project management, owner’s engineering, #buildingautomation systems integration, campus #SCADA integration, and installation works.
As the equipment is transported from the factory to the site for installation and commissioning, stay tuned to learn with us about the outcome!